Some people think that creativity is an inherent trait - something handed down by genetics. Maybe it's true... in my case, I do come from a handy family. But, for me, creative talent starts somewhere outside of DNA.
As a child, I played in my mom's craft room every evening after she was finished work. I can't remember ever being scolded for playing with her supplies or tools. In that room, no project was too wild or sloppy. Every childish creation was touted as 'art.' I fell in love with colors, textures, and pack-ratting odds-n-ends! My mom made art of our food and built me elaborate cardboard houses for my troll dolls. She showed me how to love setting my mind free with art, thanks mom.

She wasn't the only one concocting creative inspiration. While mom made the doll houses, her parents were sewing the curtains and building the tiny beds to go inside! It's my grandmother (nan) who taught me to sew, to love fabric and the sewing machine even as a teenager, when sewing wasn't the coolest thing I could be getting up to. There were rules in nan's sewing room -- don't use the expensive fabrics, stay away from the rotary cutter -- but I broke them all and she didn't say a word. Sometimes encouragement comes from the things that you don't say. Thank you nan for always having an open door, a well-stocked kitchen, a smiling face, and a good laugh.

I didn't pursue my passion for textile art after high school though. I spent six years at university and got a science degree instead, always returning to art in my spare time. Now, I'm getting the chance to create everyday and I couldn't be happier about that.
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