Monday, 27 October 2014

spirited rainy day, quick look back on summer

It's been a long time with no blog posts. But then, it's been a glorious few months of no snow here in St. John's. As the weather starts to get chilly and I haul out my rainy-day ensembles (black leggings, loose tops, knitted things, and knee socks), I have a feeling I will be blogging a lot more.

Goodness! What a spring and summer it was though....

I started a new line of purses, incorporating up-cycled tapestries.

Ragmaw products were picked up by a local entrepreneur extraordinaire and are now being sold at Whink on Water Street.
Lots of visitors from other parts of Canada and abroad visited my studio
at the Quidi Vidi Plantation.

My 17 year old cat "Tiny" made the move from his rural home with my grandparents in central Newfoundland to St. John's... where he now lives with me and (surprisingly!) has a slower paced city-life.


 AND, in July, I had a 1-year anniversary with my boyfriend, followed up by a last-minute trip to the Greek Islands in August.

The summer always goes too quickly and then I start to think about re-locating to a warmer city but I would miss the other seasons and I would even miss the fog...more on that next time!

'you do a nice smile and I'll pretend to do the same'